Who We Help

We help all veterans, first responders, their family members, youth service professionals, at risk young adults and Carers.

In 2021 and going forwards we also have a focus on supporting NHS Frontline workers.

Dare To Live aims to address some of the issues and challenges these groups may face, such as depression, anger, anxiety, stress and social exclusion due to their challenging work and life experiences. We also recognise the difficulties faced by those supporting these vulnerable groups, eg. professionals, carers and family members.

The challenge of CV19 and the impact on our NHS Frontline workers (and other key workers) has been immense. We are working hard to put in place funded programmes so we can endeavour to meet the demand for support for those in need.

Participants are able to realise their own value and unique significance – this is often the key that unlocks the potential to successful transition into civilian/community/family life.

We actively work according to the criteria of the Armed Forces Covenant in terms of supporting the reintegration of ex-service personnel to civilian life by advocating and signposting employment opportunities and community resources.

Dare to Live works with integrated teams/services to best support the needs of at risk young adults, involving referrers/agencies/charities to co-create programmes of systemic, positive change that are safe and sustainable.

Case Studies

Rev Paul Parks - Veteran

Rev Paul Parks


Paul suffered from Combat PTSD and C-PTSD undiagnosed for most of his life and hit a serious crisis and mental health breakdown in 2017, culminating in six weeks in a psychiatric unit and eventually the loss of his job.

“Traumas from my childhood and military service, including bombings, shootings, bullying and torture had never been dealt with and I became suicidal. Without a doubt, Dare to Live and my therapist Sun Tui, saved my life. I’ve now had 3 years of therapy with Sun Tui under the umbrella of Dare to Live, and I am now asymptomatic and my life is thriving. My journey to recovery included excellent support for my wife, educating her about my illness and how to help me going forward, which has undoubtedly saved our marriage.”

Teresa Mallia - Lance Corporal

Teresa Mallia

Lance Corporal

Teresa struggled to deal with stress and explains how Dare to Live has helped.

“The military can be a harsh environment and is not the place to show weakness. So I manned up and coped by hiding my lack of confidence. This lack of confidence has held me back and comes out in all its glory when I’m placed under too much stress as I just tend to fall apart”

“Dare to Live was a truly humbling experience and has given me some great life coping skills”

Adam - Ex-Soldier



Adam left the Army soon after he finished his deployment in Iraq but was haunted by his experiences and has suffered severe PTSD that is easier to manage since interacting with the horses.

“The signs began at work, at the job I was doing after I left the Army – aggression, depression and non-concentration. You get flashbacks. You do your day’s graft at work, and at night you go to bed and you’re exhausted by the morning because all night you’ve just done a patrol or whatever. It’s draining”

“I have never been a horse person, but this brings you out of that depression and loss, and shows you that all is not lost”

Kate - Retired-Advanced Medical Technician


Retired-Advanced Medical Technician

When Kate came to the Dare to Live Trust she had been medically retired from South East Coast Ambulance service (SECAmb) for 5 years, following 13 years of working as an Advanced Medical Technician. She had untreated PTSD and it was causing havoc in her life.

“When I met Sun and the team at the Dare to Live Trust, I already had a failed marriage and loss of good health, something needed to change. Honestly, I was terrified. Living in constant fear, on high alert, with a quick temper, nightmares, cold sweats, not knowing how to help myself and embarrassed to be honest with anyone with regards to how I was actually feeling.

I very quickly understood that I was in safe hands, and together with understanding and incredible empathy Sun was able to help me start unpicking the mess that was my head.

I feel like Sun and the Dare to Live Trust are angels walking this Earth, sent to help people find their path again. The hard work continues but they have given me the tools and faith things will continue to get better and life truly is a gift.

I will truly be forever grateful, as will my children for getting the better version of me back.”

Andy - Former Army Air Corps helicopter pilot


Former Army Air Corps helicopter pilot

“I know of no cure for PTSD, therefore I must rely upon developing coping mechanisms to help me through. That is exactly what Dare To Live does, and has done for me. It is a helping hand that has enabled me to be better placed to cope when I need to most”